Jan 26, 02:00 AM
Sorry... didn't mean to sound huffy. :cool:
I always wondered where "huffy" came from. :p
[/off topic]
AAPL will recover, but perhaps not soon. The markets are in a state of confusion right now (I can imagine that this week was one roller coaster for day traders! :eek:), but Apple is a solid company with solid earnings, solid growth forecasts, and a solid roadmap for the near future.
I mean, it's not as if Apple is taking on suspect mortgages...:p
I always wondered where "huffy" came from. :p
[/off topic]
AAPL will recover, but perhaps not soon. The markets are in a state of confusion right now (I can imagine that this week was one roller coaster for day traders! :eek:), but Apple is a solid company with solid earnings, solid growth forecasts, and a solid roadmap for the near future.
I mean, it's not as if Apple is taking on suspect mortgages...:p
Mar 29, 08:58 AM
Well Google I/O conference sold out in 59 Minutes! ( :eek:
The difference being:
1. 1/3 the price at $450.
2. Google gives all attendees an Android phone.
3. A scalper bought a huge portion of the tickets to resell. Apple does not let you transfer tickets. You must check-in at the registration desk with government issued ID (4th year attending).
The difference being:
1. 1/3 the price at $450.
2. Google gives all attendees an Android phone.
3. A scalper bought a huge portion of the tickets to resell. Apple does not let you transfer tickets. You must check-in at the registration desk with government issued ID (4th year attending).
Apr 23, 06:16 PM
This would make a possible model for Videotron and Wind Mobile in Canada and probably give Apple more carrier options in other countries also. It makes sense in a non-US Centric view.
And looking at "carrier acquisitions" here, Rogers acquired Fido ages ago, yet even though the networks worked on the same GSM bands, they still haven't merged. An AT&T purchase of T-mobile would probably take years for a merge to even occur, and a few technology changes. AT&T isn't going to retrofit T-mobile's network and change their frequencies, requiring all the existing customer base to change phones.
So even in a US Centric view, it makes a lot of sense. Basically, don't let an AT&T acquisition of T-mobile trick you into thinking this is a false rumor.
And looking at "carrier acquisitions" here, Rogers acquired Fido ages ago, yet even though the networks worked on the same GSM bands, they still haven't merged. An AT&T purchase of T-mobile would probably take years for a merge to even occur, and a few technology changes. AT&T isn't going to retrofit T-mobile's network and change their frequencies, requiring all the existing customer base to change phones.
So even in a US Centric view, it makes a lot of sense. Basically, don't let an AT&T acquisition of T-mobile trick you into thinking this is a false rumor.
Mar 9, 07:57 AM
For movies it's different because each one is a narrative of it's own. You can't can't compare Sean Connery with Pierce Brosnan as you can't compare Never Say Never with Tomorrow Never Dies because both movies are done in their individual way.
On a television series, you have a continuous narrative that can change its direction, but as soon as you change major plot points or dare switch the main actors with new ones, that's a plain insult to the audience who watched from the start.
I'm the opposite. I had no problem with Catwoman changing from Julie Newmar to Eartha Kitt in the Batman TV series because the style and tenor of both the show and character didn't change.
I do have a problem with the modern Batman movie franchise where each movie is a revisioning deopending on which director got up on which side of the bed so every movie has a different feel and you have the Joker played completely differently by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger, Catwoman by Michelle Pfeifferand Halle Berry, and every Batman as well by Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale. It's like multiple cover versions of the same song by different atrists and you're expected to like and buy them all, which is ridiculous.
On a television series, you have a continuous narrative that can change its direction, but as soon as you change major plot points or dare switch the main actors with new ones, that's a plain insult to the audience who watched from the start.
I'm the opposite. I had no problem with Catwoman changing from Julie Newmar to Eartha Kitt in the Batman TV series because the style and tenor of both the show and character didn't change.
I do have a problem with the modern Batman movie franchise where each movie is a revisioning deopending on which director got up on which side of the bed so every movie has a different feel and you have the Joker played completely differently by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger, Catwoman by Michelle Pfeifferand Halle Berry, and every Batman as well by Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale. It's like multiple cover versions of the same song by different atrists and you're expected to like and buy them all, which is ridiculous.

Oct 23, 10:46 AM
What Microsoft is trying to prevent is running a data center off one copy of Home Edition. You would do it by buying an 8-core computer then installing one copy of Home edition and then VMware and then running a dozon virtual machiones each with another copy of Home Edition installed. What Microsoft is saying now ios that in order to do this you need to buy the "Big Bucks Edition" of Vista.

Jul 10, 01:51 PM
How about if inspector sections could be 'torn off' and moved or docked below like in photoshop? There are certainly 2 or 3 sections that I would like open all the time.
I can't stand Office's toolbars. The first thing I did was make my own custom box of tools that sits above the formatting palette on the side.
With wide displays, vertical space is the most valuable.
I can't stand Office's toolbars. The first thing I did was make my own custom box of tools that sits above the formatting palette on the side.
With wide displays, vertical space is the most valuable.

Apr 17, 07:49 PM
Thunderbolt would be a killer feature for this machine - and would open up a whole load of expansion options.
Sonnet are marketing a load of interesting accessories, from Gigabit ethernet and FW800 adapters, to RAID arrays, to full-size PCIe expansion card housings, all of which can connect via Thunderbolt.
Those CPUs are pretty fast. For everyone except gamers it should be a nice machine.
Those PCIe housings could make for external graphics that don't suck. Whether that is practical at all is another story.
Sonnet are marketing a load of interesting accessories, from Gigabit ethernet and FW800 adapters, to RAID arrays, to full-size PCIe expansion card housings, all of which can connect via Thunderbolt.
Those CPUs are pretty fast. For everyone except gamers it should be a nice machine.
Those PCIe housings could make for external graphics that don't suck. Whether that is practical at all is another story.
Apr 22, 11:38 AM
Bash is under the GPL license - not GNU. Never has been GNU see source link ->
BTW - No part of MacOSX is distributed under GNU licensing...
Uh ? GNU is a project, not a license. GNU stands for GNU's Not Unix. It includes things like the GNU Libc, Bash, Emacs, a full OpenSTEP implementation known as GNUStep and various fileutils. It also includes licensing, like the GPL for instance.
This GNU project that includes amongst many things Bash and the GPL license were launched by the Free Software Foundation and Richard M. Stallman as part of the man's vision of software freedom.
Don't correct me if you aren't at least going to provide factual and true information. Again, I know what I meant and I know this stuff as I've been dabbling in it for the last 12 years if not more.
Here are some links you might find interesting if you really want to learn about this stuff, none of these will be on (please don't use to prove points about Free Software) :
List of GNU projects : (notice Bash)
An explanation of the GNU project :
So to correct your post which attempted to correct mine : Bash is a GNU sub-project that is licensed under the GPL. Thank you, I knew all of that already. And technically, you're quite wrong, every GPL package that Apple ships is under GNU licensing since the GPL is a GNU project license.
BTW - No part of MacOSX is distributed under GNU licensing...
Uh ? GNU is a project, not a license. GNU stands for GNU's Not Unix. It includes things like the GNU Libc, Bash, Emacs, a full OpenSTEP implementation known as GNUStep and various fileutils. It also includes licensing, like the GPL for instance.
This GNU project that includes amongst many things Bash and the GPL license were launched by the Free Software Foundation and Richard M. Stallman as part of the man's vision of software freedom.
Don't correct me if you aren't at least going to provide factual and true information. Again, I know what I meant and I know this stuff as I've been dabbling in it for the last 12 years if not more.
Here are some links you might find interesting if you really want to learn about this stuff, none of these will be on (please don't use to prove points about Free Software) :
List of GNU projects : (notice Bash)
An explanation of the GNU project :
So to correct your post which attempted to correct mine : Bash is a GNU sub-project that is licensed under the GPL. Thank you, I knew all of that already. And technically, you're quite wrong, every GPL package that Apple ships is under GNU licensing since the GPL is a GNU project license.

Apr 28, 11:00 AM
It is an impressive market share to be commanded by a single product line, versus numerous hardware manufacturers running Android. No single Android product even comes close.
neko girl
May 1, 11:14 PM
If anything this will have just made our foreign policy situation worse. Get ready for the blowback, because this event definitely pissed off some extremists.
Why does it sound like you are hoping something like this will happen? Bitter much?
Why does it sound like you are hoping something like this will happen? Bitter much?
Apr 24, 04:22 PM
There is a difference between sales and market share. Without a doubt, part of the appeal of android is cost - it's just cheaper to buy. However, it's not as simple as you suggest
Some people buy it so they can have a larger screen, some because they want a keyboard, some because they have specific hardware needs (e.g. The US Army), some because they do not want to live under of the heel of Steve Jobs twisted moral code. I could go on, but it's become the proverbial dead horse. Sure, Android has pitfalls in that it can run almost anything, but I would rather have the freedom to make a bad app choice than to live in the walled garden that iOS is becoming.
In short, the freedom to make choices, even bad ones, is superior to being spoon fed like a baby as Apple tends to do.
Then too each their own. Obviously, you don't care for Apple's way of doing it and we could argue the pluses and minuses, but I don't think Apple's way is the wrong way. It's different and seems to be working fairly well too given they are company to beat in many categories right now. And as much as you love all the freedom with the Android based phones, I also think that is one of their problems. But again, we could debate forever.
Either way, you consistently feel your point of view is the only point of view. I don't feel "spoon fed like a baby" by using the iPhone. It does everything I want a smart phone to do plus some and there seems to be a ton of consumers out there that agree.
You know, you'd be much more respected here on this forum if you'd stop with the back-handed comments and ridiculous statements. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, but you can do it in a constructive manner and not a childish and shallow way. For someone that does seem to have some intelligence from time to time, you have a habit of totally destroying any credibility you might have.
Some people buy it so they can have a larger screen, some because they want a keyboard, some because they have specific hardware needs (e.g. The US Army), some because they do not want to live under of the heel of Steve Jobs twisted moral code. I could go on, but it's become the proverbial dead horse. Sure, Android has pitfalls in that it can run almost anything, but I would rather have the freedom to make a bad app choice than to live in the walled garden that iOS is becoming.
In short, the freedom to make choices, even bad ones, is superior to being spoon fed like a baby as Apple tends to do.
Then too each their own. Obviously, you don't care for Apple's way of doing it and we could argue the pluses and minuses, but I don't think Apple's way is the wrong way. It's different and seems to be working fairly well too given they are company to beat in many categories right now. And as much as you love all the freedom with the Android based phones, I also think that is one of their problems. But again, we could debate forever.
Either way, you consistently feel your point of view is the only point of view. I don't feel "spoon fed like a baby" by using the iPhone. It does everything I want a smart phone to do plus some and there seems to be a ton of consumers out there that agree.
You know, you'd be much more respected here on this forum if you'd stop with the back-handed comments and ridiculous statements. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, but you can do it in a constructive manner and not a childish and shallow way. For someone that does seem to have some intelligence from time to time, you have a habit of totally destroying any credibility you might have.
Green R
Nov 23, 05:34 AM
Look... I don't want to be a hater or anything like that but I have a first generation Ipod Touch... I got it as a present for my birth day, a month latter my wife have an Iphone 4 for her birthday so she sold her 3gs that i used to compare with My phone, the nexus One, look guys I need to be honest here, I got FULL Flash in my phone since it came out in the app market , and so far NOT a single problem with it, I remember when Jobs says it is not possible for a mobile device to have flash blah, battery drain, blah, poor performance blah, blah, blah... Dude flash is Awesome on my Android phone! no lag, no battery fast drain fast, no problems!!! do you guys have any tiny little Idea how @$#%^ cool it is going to on my phone!? do you know!? or just playing online games like the ones on plus most of the apps are free!!! including that pathetic flash converter browser Skyfire that by the way is being in Android app market for like forever already!!! also it is sad that you have to Root (aka jailbroke) to get 20% more "liberty" with your phone! I already "convert" 4 Iphone users to Android at my job (400 plus workers) the rest are just plain envious of what android is capable of!!! without ROOTING!!! ahhh and don't get me starting in what you can do with a Root Android phone... My next Phone will be the Android HTC G2 that once rooted you can "BOST" to the phone to its real power........... 1.4 ghz!!!!!!!!!!!! With no battery issues!!! :eek:
Apr 23, 09:52 PM
After waiting two years for TMO to get the iPhone, I just threw up my arms in disgust at the merger news and moved over to VZ. Wish I could get confirmation before my thirty days with VZ are up.
For those of you talking trash about TMO's network: While their overall coverage is not as good as VZ's, their speed network wide is better than either VZ or AT&T. Much better. Much, much better. Trust me. I know.
Not hard to do when TMobile has hardly any customers compared to AT&T and Verizon ;)
After waiting two years for TMO to get the iPhone, I just threw up my arms in disgust at the merger news and moved over to VZ. Wish I could get confirmation before my thirty days with VZ are up.
For those of you talking trash about TMO's network: While their overall coverage is not as good as VZ's, their speed network wide is better than either VZ or AT&T. Much better. Much, much better. Trust me. I know.
Not hard to do when TMobile has hardly any customers compared to AT&T and Verizon ;)
Dec 30, 11:53 AM
People pay to watch her eat! :eek:
Yes, and even I think this is weird, on two levels. One is the "watching her eat". The other is paying for the privilege.
This will be a thread hand-grenade, but let's face it - depending on her/your/our healthcare situation, you kindof are paying for this. What we have here with this woman is a pending and unnatural liability on the healthcare system and insurance network due to her socially- and personally-irresponsible whim.
Who's paying for her bypass surgeries, ER trips, and specialized healthcare infrastructure in order to deal with a person of her size? We are. The cost to sustain her life will with all probablity be more than an average person's: so your premiums (or taxes, if you're in a socialized-medicine country) go up. I'm all for personal freedoms and not letting people tell others what to do with their bodies, but I don't want to subsidize stupid behavior like this. I say make her carry her own weight, and I mean that both literally and figuratively.
Yes, and even I think this is weird, on two levels. One is the "watching her eat". The other is paying for the privilege.
This will be a thread hand-grenade, but let's face it - depending on her/your/our healthcare situation, you kindof are paying for this. What we have here with this woman is a pending and unnatural liability on the healthcare system and insurance network due to her socially- and personally-irresponsible whim.
Who's paying for her bypass surgeries, ER trips, and specialized healthcare infrastructure in order to deal with a person of her size? We are. The cost to sustain her life will with all probablity be more than an average person's: so your premiums (or taxes, if you're in a socialized-medicine country) go up. I'm all for personal freedoms and not letting people tell others what to do with their bodies, but I don't want to subsidize stupid behavior like this. I say make her carry her own weight, and I mean that both literally and figuratively.
Apr 12, 09:13 AM
HTC sensation > iphone 5
That is all
That is all

Jul 28, 02:22 PM
Have you ever used (It's pretty awesome)
Not until just now, it's rather amazing! Thanks for the tip!!
Not until just now, it's rather amazing! Thanks for the tip!!
Jun 6, 10:08 AM
there is a way to return apps in the itunes store. its simple. and you get a store credit after words.
Apr 26, 01:36 PM
A little harsh here - you don't know if he payed for the music or not and it might also contain movies and other stuff. I know many people that collect lots of music CD's and movie DVDs over the many moons they are on the planet and ripping that in high quality needs lots of storage. Many people try to rip at highest quality possible and that is expensive storage wise. Just don't assume it's is stolen - might be, but you and I don't know.
Let's just assume it's half music and half movies. That's roughly 142,000 songs and over 3000 movies. At .99 cents per song and $10 per movie, that's $170,000 if he paid for it. And he's complaining about $20 year. Hmmm....
Let's just assume it's half music and half movies. That's roughly 142,000 songs and over 3000 movies. At .99 cents per song and $10 per movie, that's $170,000 if he paid for it. And he's complaining about $20 year. Hmmm....

Nov 3, 07:41 PM
Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.
Oh, not counting them out at all. That would most certainly be a mistake. No, but VMware certainly brings a lot of history and man power to the table. They are THE elephant in the room when it comes to virtualization (they essentially pioneered the market that exists today).
I think they bring with them a long history of good, solid, stable roducts that the enterprise trusts.
Oh, not counting them out at all. That would most certainly be a mistake. No, but VMware certainly brings a lot of history and man power to the table. They are THE elephant in the room when it comes to virtualization (they essentially pioneered the market that exists today).
I think they bring with them a long history of good, solid, stable roducts that the enterprise trusts.
Jan 30, 07:45 PM
Here is my question with the market....
A year ago, when Apple was at 80 and the iPhone and all the new products had been announced, I figured everyone knew how great these products were going to be and had already inflated the price of the stock to a high 80. So, I decided not to buy.... well, as we know, the stock rose over 200. Everyone bought much later on.
So, does this translate to: In a market that I know a lot about and believe in, even though new product news is out, before profit/financial news it out, should I still buy?
(Yes, I am relatively new at this... flame on)
It just drives me nuts, that I knew things were going to do well, and thought everyone already knew and had bought.
A year ago, when Apple was at 80 and the iPhone and all the new products had been announced, I figured everyone knew how great these products were going to be and had already inflated the price of the stock to a high 80. So, I decided not to buy.... well, as we know, the stock rose over 200. Everyone bought much later on.
So, does this translate to: In a market that I know a lot about and believe in, even though new product news is out, before profit/financial news it out, should I still buy?
(Yes, I am relatively new at this... flame on)
It just drives me nuts, that I knew things were going to do well, and thought everyone already knew and had bought.
Apr 21, 11:13 PM
They're not suing them to make money, or protect their patents.
It's the trademark they are protecting. They'll probably lose in court, but win outside of it.
Apple sued on 7 utility and 3 design patents, plus the trademarks.
It's the trademark they are protecting. They'll probably lose in court, but win outside of it.
Apple sued on 7 utility and 3 design patents, plus the trademarks.
Nov 11, 07:28 PM
looks like we've had a slow 24 hours
Yes indeed, I think I will have the lowest point day I've had in a long time :eek:
Yes indeed, I think I will have the lowest point day I've had in a long time :eek:
Nov 24, 10:54 PM
By "small render farm", I mean small! It's made up of 6 Dell GX270, running P4 2.4ghz single core, with my MP as the Que controller (Ubuntu via Parallels). But they should working out pretty good for continuous folding for the time being. I'm building 5 dual processor, dual core Xeon servers (all 2.66ghz) to replace the Dells but that won't happen until the end of December (i'm getting ready to move from Japan back to the States in two weeks and I have most of my stuff packed up). Once I get settled back in the States and have the new servers running, I should be able to commit some good firepower towards the team effort.
Wow, I haven't been anywhere but here for a really long time, I'm starting to solidify I think. I spent some time in Europe long before the wall came down, but then again the Huns were still roaming around - or was that dinosaurs...
We'll give ya' a while to get set up before we set the hounds on ya' :D In the mean time maybe you have a calculator or abacus you can use in your spare time, ya' know, foldingbyhand I think it's called :p
Cheers and welcome back!
Wow, I haven't been anywhere but here for a really long time, I'm starting to solidify I think. I spent some time in Europe long before the wall came down, but then again the Huns were still roaming around - or was that dinosaurs...
We'll give ya' a while to get set up before we set the hounds on ya' :D In the mean time maybe you have a calculator or abacus you can use in your spare time, ya' know, foldingbyhand I think it's called :p
Cheers and welcome back!
Apr 28, 08:23 PM
Wow.... thats really a lot of Negatives, do you people honestly care THAT MUCH? :confused:
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